What Do Jack Johnson and Simon & Garfunkel Know About Eating?

What Do Jack Johnson and Simon & Garfunkel Know About Eating?

Posted by Kim Raysby, Certified Nutrition Coach on Sep 1st 2021

While you listen to Inaudible Melodies by Jack Johnson or The 59th Street Bridge Song(Feelin Groovy) by Simon & Garfunkel, think about how you eat. How often do you feel rushed to eat because you have so much to do? There are times when we are famished so we snarf down food at the speed of light. Well as the songs go..."slow down, you're moving too fast". When we eat too quickly we cause a few issues. Our stomach - brain connection can't keep up and we overeat before our stomach can tell our brain we are full. Eating too fast can cause indigestion. The long term health risks of eating too fast can lead to obesity, diabetes, gastritis, and metabolic syndrome.

Let's avoid those health calamities by setting aside time to eat undistracted. Try "wine tasting" your food. Set the fork down between bites and appreciate the flavor, aroma, texture of your food. Take small bites and chew thoroughly (Grandma was right!). Are you eating with friends or family? Then try pacing yourself with the slowest eater. Listen to slow music if you are eating alone.
Eating is one of life's joys; so relax in the pleasure of a good meal. Sing with me, as long as you don't have food in your mouth, "Slow down, everyone, you're moving too fast."